Game Premise

The Circus is in town, and everybody loves a circus! Everybody, that is, except the circus bear, who is out of breath after days of performing. Help the bear take in the sweet, sweet oxygen he needs by hugging as many humans as he can. But be careful--the bear doesn't know his own strength...

Walk around a city as an escaped circus bear with a problem... needing hugs to breathe. Be careful, though, as bear arms are very difficult to control. The game is displayed simultaneously in first, second, and third person. See the long term results of your hugging actions on the people around you.

The premise of the "What Would Molydeux?" game jam was to take a game design idea tweet from the Twitter feed of Peter MolyDeux, the online doppleganger of famous game designer Peter Molyneux, and actually make the crazy idea into a real game. Peter Molydeux's blog is notorious for having outlandish game design ideas and as such that makes it a perfect topic for a game jam.

Based on the following tweet:

Molydeux Inspirational Tweet

"You are a bear but for some reason your oxygen comes from hugging people. Problem is that hugging people breaks their bones. #poeticgaming" (Tweet)

Team Members

  • Elizabeth Baumel (Character Art/Environment Art)
  • Paul Du Bois
  • Chris Jurney
  • Chris Remo
  • Adam Rickert (Game Design/Environment Art)
  • Pietro Righi Riva


Unbearable screenshot 01 Unbearable screenshot 02 Unbearable screenshot 03 Unbearable screenshot 04

Unbearable: Or How They Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bear

What Would Molydeux (MolyJam) Jam 2012

The Circus is in town, and everybody loves a circus! Everybody, that is, except the circus bear, who is out of breath after days of performing. Help the bear take in the sweet, sweet oxygen he needs by hugging as many humans as he can. But be careful--the bear doesn't know his own strength...

Unbearable, Or: How They Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bear was developed in 48 hours at the 2012 What Would Molydeux? game jam in San Francisco.


March 30-April 1, 2012


Game Design / Environment Art

Tools Used

Moai/Lua, Photoshop



Filed Under

Game Jam